July 12, 2004
Tango Shoes - a song
I don't think she was thinking of tango music exactly, but Little Rocker has posted a nice verse! Here is an excerpt.Tango shoesRead the whole thing on her livejournal blog.
by: Bif naked
Like Cinderella, I am transformed.
Suddenly I'm taller
you're smaller
I am reborn!
With new courage,
I go downtown.
To see you sitting at a table,
girls all around.
(and they see my...)
My new tango shoes,
They are my treasure! They are so cool!
My new tango shoes,
They are my ticket! My tools!
My new tango shoes,
are gonna help me dance away from you!
My new tango shoes!
Posted by joegrohens at July 12, 2004 05:50 PM
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