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December 31, 2004
Yulia Sighting
Have you ever wondered what happened to that tango dancer from Springfield, IL, Yulia Kriskovets?
She has moved to Washington, DC, and has become a tango DJ there. She usually goes to the Ann Arbor festivals, so some Illinoisans may be able to catch up with her there. Yulia can be reached at kriskovets@yahoo.com
Yulia is a recent addition to the list of DJs in Washington DC. She started dancing tango in Illinois, where the closest milonga was more than 1.5 hours away. Coming from this background, Yulia appreciates the diversity in our local community. When DJ-ing, Yulia offers a mixture of Golden Age and Old Guard tango music to keep dancers on the floor, making them easily forget the time they should have headed for home hours before. In dancing, Yulia values musicality and emotional connection. Also, Milonga de Suenos is where Yulia Dj-ed her first time and we are happy to have her talent blossom before us!
PostScript - January 2005: Just after the New Year, Yulia rejoined her tango friends in Champaign-Urbana for an evening at the Cowboy Monkey tango night, on the same day that she deposited her thesis at University of Illinois Springfield. We had an ice storm that night, but Yulia drove back safely.
Posted by joegrohens at December 31, 2004 07:42 PM
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