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October 28, 2006

Tete's Circular on Electronic Tango

Lonewolf writes that Tete Rusconi has been going around the milongas circulating a letter he wrote in protest against dancing to the musc "tango electronico".

This is an English translation. His original is on the next page.

What a shame!

Not too long ago, I wrote a note about everything that is beautiful about dancing tango, and I realize that many people do not comprehend how to take care of what has true value. With music, such as the one called electronic tango, that is totally alien to tango, they try to destroy something that is ours.

I would like to ask all the tango community, but above all to all the young dancers, the musicians and the milonga organizers, to take some time to seriously reflect upon what tango means. It is important to realize that this may be happening because of lack of imagination to add something new to tango, or because of business purposes, which are disrespecting a whole culture. It is a pity to have gotten to this point, when so many people are hurt. You can use this music for other purposes, but do not dare to call tango what it is not.

Until soon,


Que Verguenza!

No hace mucho, hice una nota refiriendome a todo lo hermoso que as aprender a bailar el tango y me doy cuenta que mucha gente no comprende como cuidar lo que verdaderamente tiene valor, ya que con una musica como el denominado tango electronico, que es totalmente ajeno al tango, tratan de destruir algo que es tan nuestro.

Yo le pediria a toda la comunidad tanguera, pero sobre todo a los bailarines jovenes, a los musicalizadores y a los organizadores de milongas, que es tomen un tiempo para reflexionar seriamente sobre lo que significa el tango y se den cuenta segun el caso, que ya sea por falta de imaginacion para agregarle al tango cosas nuevas o por hacer un negocio, estan faltandole el respeto a toda una cultura. Es una lastima llegar a este punto, lastimando a tanta gente. Usen esa musica para otra cosa y no se tomen el atrevimiento de ponerle tango a eso que no lo es.

Me despido de ustedes esperando que comprendan lo que les digo. Hasta Pronto.


Posted by joegrohens at October 28, 2006 02:43 PM


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